Today, Western Sugar Cooperative has over 700 grower/owners, plants up to 135,140 acres of sugar beets and produces over 10 million cwts. of locally grown sugar per year.
The cooperative operates sugar processing facilities in Scottsbluff, Nebraska; Lovell, Wyoming; Billings, Montana; and Fort Morgan, Colorado. The Coop also operates storage facilities located in Rocky Ford, Sterling and Longmont, Colorado; and in Bayard, Gering and Mitchell, Nebraska.
Western Sugar is 100% vertically integrated from the farm to table as the grower/owners raise and process sugar beets into sugar for delivery to consumers and food customers. We have families that are several generation sugar beet growers. Families that were involved in growing sugar beets when the original company started 114 years ago. Our farmers are dependable and hard-working people; using specialized equipment on 100% irrigated land to bring the best sugar beet crop to market.