Christmas in Lovell!

The Lovell Area Chamber of Commerce Holiday Mingle has visits from Santa and Cindy Lou Who. Cindy Lou Who (WSC’s Jody Lynne) is shipping Sugar Jacob Bassett, WSC AG Mechanic driving the fire truck at the Lovell Area Chamber of Commerce Holiday Mingle. Rose Ames – Payroll Mgr, Leah Wimmer – Agriculturalist, Jody Lynne Bassett, … Continued

Share a Stocking Program – Lovell

This year, Lovell participated in their 14th Share a Stocking program with the North Big Horn Hospital District. Lovell employees donated Christmas presents to fill stockings for children in need. Fron left to right, Rob Johnson, Maintenance Mgr, Jeff Feller, Quality & Production Mgr, Janet Kornick, North Big Horn Hospital representative, Tia Reimers, AP, Shannon … Continued

Lovell Birthday Celebrations

Lovell employees celebrate their birthdays! Shannon Ellis, Factory Mgr and Rose Ames, Payroll Mgr celebrating their birthdays. 

Lovell Volunteer Fire Department Delivers Sugar

The Fire Department makes 180 food baskets with donations for the Christmas holiday. Western Sugar representatives work with the Lovell Volunteer Fire Department to make sure there is sugar in each basket for recipients. Pictured from left to right: Bob Mangus, Mgr Lovell Volunteer Fire Department; Kenny Herron, WSC AG Dept; Jacob Bassett, WSC AG … Continued

Fort Morgan’s Bowling Team

Fort Morgan’s facility has a new bowling team! So far, they are in 3rd place, but they still have several months left to bowl. Left to right on the picture is Noah Wooldridge, Matt Wooldridge, Trevor Schrum, Rob Wooldridge, Greg Enfante (Maintenance Supervisor) and finally Bryson Wooldridge.

Fort Morgan’s Vision of Trees

On Friday and Saturday, November 22-23, Western Sugar’s Fort Morgan Facility entered a tree into the Vision of Trees, hosted by The Sanctuary. The tree was decorated by students at Kids at Their Best with small bags of cotton candy.